Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pigs, clothes, and opportunity...an inspiring Hope Prison's success story

Sarah gives water to one of her pigs
Sarah Kisakya, commonly known as "Mama Musoke", is a 37 year old widow who had been struggling to provide for herself and her three children.  Strong, hardworking, and entrepreneurial, Sarah only needed the opportunity offered by Hope Prisons in order to turn her life around. 

Through Hope Prisons, Sarah was given two piglets along with training on how to raise the pigs.  Because pork is the most popular meat in Kampala and pigs give birth to many piglets in a litter, pig rearing can be a lucrative business.  When Sarah's pigs gave birth, she kept some of the piglets but sold several of them to obtain school fees and other basic requirements for her family. 

In addition to the pig project, Sarah was given a small loan with a low interest rate in order to start a business.  She launched a small business buying second hand clothes from the largest local market and selling the clothes to smaller markets.

As Sarah proudly explained, “The profits I accrued enabled me acquire a small piece of land on which I built a one-roomed house which I intend to rent out to raise more money to boost my business. On the other part of the land, I plan to farm on it so as to raise school fees for my son Musoke Dan when he enrolls to high school."

This Friday, we have our Annual General Meeting which is a meeting of all our partners as well as service workers and friends of MCC Uganda.  I'm very excited that this year we have incorporated a "storytelling" component in the meeting.  We have asked three beneficiaries from three different partners to share their story about how their lives were impacted by MCC and our partners.  I'll also plan to share those stories on my blog in the next few weeks.

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